Stocking Your Home Gym


Many of us are working out at home these days. We’ll admit, it can be hard to get the same results and workouts tend to get stale. We’ve come up with some recommendations that will give you that burn and spice up your workout routine. Bonus: they’re all cheaper than your monthly gym membership!


  1. Yoga mat.
    A must-have—for so much more than yoga! If you’re doing any kind of floor work, like crunches, you need a yoga mat. It can also be helpful to do a cardio workout on your mat to absorb shock (and appease downstairs neighbors).

  2. Weights.
    Some light weights are a good way to turn your average video workout into a burn session. Strap-on weights are great because you can wear them around your wrists or ankles.

  3. Resistance bands.
    Another great way to turn a simple exercise into a challenge. We also love seated rows with resistance bands for combatting the shoulder slump that comes with working from home.

  4. Yoga ball.
    Core exercises are more fun on a yoga ball. You can also use the yoga ball as a seat in your home office to keep your core engaged throughout the day.

  5. Pull-up bar.
    We like the over-the-door kind. A pull-up bar is fantastic for upper body work, and it’s a nice change of pace from push-ups.

  6. Gliding discs.
    If you’re into reformer workouts, like Pilates or Lagree, you’ll love gliding disks. Try placing them under your feet in push up position, and then bringing your knees in and out slowly (and with good form). Just thinking about it makes our abs burn.

  7. Foam rollers.
    Excellent for loosening up tight muscles and recovery.

Happy exercising! Need some personalized exercises, reach out to our team of physical therapists at Sarrica Physical Therapy & Wellness.


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