Massage, Wellbeing, Acupuncture, Physical Therapy, Health Samantha LaBarbara Massage, Wellbeing, Acupuncture, Physical Therapy, Health Samantha LaBarbara

Thyroid Troubles: How Physical Therapy, Acupuncture, and Massage Can Make a Difference

We’re discussing the often overlooked world of thyroid health and exploring how it can have a significant impact on your overall well-being. We'll also discuss ways our physical therapy office is here to support you – introducing the dynamic trio of physical therapy, acupuncture, and massage.

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Wellness, Health, Wellbeing, Exercise Samantha LaBarbara Wellness, Health, Wellbeing, Exercise Samantha LaBarbara

Embracing Health in the New Year: Beyond the Scale

It's hard to escape the barrage of messages encouraging us to shed those holiday pounds and embark on a new, skinnier version of ourselves. However, at Sarrica Physical Therapy in Brooklyn, we're here to offer a different perspective—one that emphasizes the importance of making lasting, positive changes for your overall well-being rather than just focusing on the number on the scale.

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Health, Lifestyle Samantha LaBarbara Health, Lifestyle Samantha LaBarbara

The Ultimate Resolution - Finding A Work-Life Balance

As the year comes to a close there’s often a sense of pressure to come up with a resolution or a list of resolutions to better yourself in the New Year. Many of these resolutions revolve around fitness, weight loss, exercise and diets. While there’s nothing wrong with committing to a healthier lifestyle and getting in shape, this year we are taking the opportunity to focus on a bigger-picture resolution that can help set you in the right mind-set for success, physical and mental. Finding the “right” work-life balance.

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