Top 5 Tech Trends in Healthcare in 2021


What’s trendy in healthcare technology these days?

What’s trendy in healthcare technology these days? We’re glad you asked. Here’s what you can expect to see more of in the coming year.

1. Telehealth

This probably won’t surprise anyone. Telehealth is increasingly popular and essential this year to get people the care they need while limiting their exposure to Covid-19. We expect that along with the development of telehealth, we will see an increase in more (and better!) telehealth apps, as well as improved cybersecurity needed to make it possible. We also expect to see more and more on-demand telehealth options.

2. Wearable devices

Wearable devices like FitBits and Apple watches that can be used to track health stats and fitness levels are MVPs of the pandemic era. As many of us are working from home and skipping the gym, we’re not moving around nearly as much. These devices are selling better than ever to keep us mobile and in shape. In addition to commercial devices, there are also wearable medical devices, such as EKG monitors, that will monitor and report your status to your doctor in real time. We’ll be seeing more of this for sure in 2021.

3. Online patient portals

So many healthcare providers are moving towards online portals for health records, results, billing, messaging, and even video visits. This has made everyone’s lives easier. Online check-ins decrease wait times in the office, which is not only convenient, but helps avoid crowds. It’s a breath of fresh air to be able to access our medical records and test results when we want and share with other providers. This year may be challenging, but at least it won’t involve calling and waiting for a receptionist to fax over your file.

4. Artificial Intelligence

It sounds futuristic, but AI is rapidly changing the healthcare industry. Machines can be used for diagnosing diseases, medical imaging, and drug development. In fact, AI would save so much time and money in drug development that it has become one of the fastest growing investment opportunities in the pharmaceutical industry.

5. 5G

It’s not just making your smartphone faster. 5G is transforming healthcare by improving the quality and speed of remote treatment and monitoring, as well as allowing for nearly instantaneous syncing of healthcare provider portals. Some even say that 5G may make it possible for drones to become a reliable means of delivering medication. 

It’ll be really interesting to see what 2021 brings to healthcare. So far, it looks like we’re making strides towards a revolutionary new future where patients have greater convenience and control over their own healthcare.


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